
[VRC/SDK3] Maci

120 ratings
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[VRC/SDK3] Maci

flexuh with Dor
120 ratings


  • Twist bones for for all major joints on the body.
  • Phys Bones: Pretty much anywhere they'd normally be and colliders all over!
  • Grabbing, posing and stretching where you expect it!
  • 100% PBR textured in Substance Painter. The textures have already been crunched and compressed within the project for the highest detail with the lowest file size and VRAM usage.
  • This model is fully made with the metallic & specular workflow of Poiyomi shader. This models look will adjust depending on the map you're in.
  • Full-body ready and tested.
  • Overflow gesture setup, combine 2 of the same gestures to exaggerate the expression! Expression can be combined with other expressions to create even more facial expressions
  • Custom blinking setup! (You must remove this or create a toggle if you wish to use eye-tracking.)
  • Bounding boxes has been edited so meshes do not disappear with occlusion.
  • .blend file included for editing the model!
  • Avatar comes with blendshapes for SRanipal/VRCFaceTracking Eyetracking, NOT FULL FACE TRACKING ONLY EYETRACKING. It does not come set up on the avatar. You must set it up yourself.
  • Reduced Clipping Distance - Get extra close and comfortable!
  • Comes with a prefab for adding your own outfits! - DLC outfits to come in the future!
  • SFW Prefab available.
  • Good Rating Prefab available.

Condensed Parameters by dor_ - Allowing more than 256 bits for synchronized avatar customization

This model has a UNIQUE save system in place!

This means, you are able to create save states of the customizations you make and load them at anytime!

The outfit saves come PRE LOADED with saves that I find to be convenient but you can overwrite these with anything you want!

There are 2 separate save options available for:

  • Outfit Toggles
  • Outfit Colors
  • Hair & Body Colors
  • Misc - Shader settings, etc.
  • All

The outfit saves come preloaded with 2 easy of access saves (These can be overwritten with your own options using the Save buttons):

  • Load Save 1 - Loads a version of the casual outfits with no coat or pants.
  • Load Save 2 - Loads the lace outfit.

This system was made and put in place by dor_. All credit and thanks goes to them!

Avatar Dynamics Features

  • Anti Eye-Poke System! Her eyes will close if any fingers get too close!
  • Get close and personal with her for a kissy face.
  • Pat her head for a happy face with heart particles.
  • ASMR heartbeat audio when you get near her chest.
  • All of these features can be toggled to your choosing.


Animal Parts

  • "Wolf" Ears/Tail - Separate toggles for the top and bottom ear set
  • Deer Antlers
  • Deer Ears/Tail
  • Elf Ears

Main Toggles

  • Choker
  • Hightops
  • Sleeves
  • Pants
  • Tanktop/Belt
  • Coat/Frill
  • Shorts
  • Thighighs

Lace Outfit Toggles

  • Heels
  • Sleeves
  • Holdable Rope-loop


  • Long Curls
  • Short
  • Short/Long Pigtails

Appearance Edits

Shader Edits

  • Emission - Increase or decrease the models overall Emission amount.
  • Lighting Multiplier - Increase or decrease the models overall lighting amount.
  • Fallback Reflections - Enable this in maps without a reflection probe to maintain some of the models PBR reflection settings.
  • Outlines Toggle - Toggles the outlines effect on the body and face.
  • Audio Link Toggle - Disable Audiolink setup.

Body Edits

  • Skin-tone - Darkens the skin-tone.
  • Skin Shininess - Increase or decrease the shiny effect on the skin.
  • Alternate Body Styles - Tattooed skin, body-writing and blank skin.
  • Alternate Eye Texture

Color Edits

You can make nearly any color combination by modifying the Hue, Saturation and Lightness to your liking. Each material group has a main and secondary color that you can modify the HSL of.

Hue modifies the overall color, lightness will make the shade of the area lighter or darker and saturation will add or subtract how much color is in the area.


  • Hair
  • Hair Tips
  • Nails/Eyes/Metallic Parts/Tattoo Accents
  • Outfit 1/2/Lace


  • Same as all the hue sliders.

Now Offering UPLOADS for $10

Want an avatar but don't know how to upload them/don't want to learn? You can have the avatar uploaded for you!

  1. Buy the avatar on Gumroad.
  2. Screenshot your receipt with proof of purchase.
  3. Join my Discord server https://discord.gg/v6SMBNp
  4. Navigate to the #open-a-ticket channel and hit the 'Open a Ticket Here!' button.
  5. Paste the image of your proof of purchase into the channel and wait for a response.
  6. A staff member will respond to get your PayPal and VRChat information to complete the upload.
  7. Please be prepared to complete VRChat 2fA.

YOU MUST USE PAYPAL to do upload transactions.



  • Prohibition on Redistribution: You are expressly prohibited from uploading, sharing, or redistributing this avatar to any third party.
  • Non-Public Use: You agree not to make this avatar publicly accessible or available for use by others.
  • Prohibition on Resale: You are strictly prohibited from reselling any version of this avatar, whether modified or unmodified.
  • Non-Sharing of Files: You are not permitted to share the files associated with this avatar with any other party.
  • Prohibition on Asset Reuse: You are explicitly prohibited from purchasing this avatar and using its assets for other purposes.
  • Editing Permissions: You may edit this avatar for personal use, provided that you do not extract or use individual assets without obtaining them from the original creator through a valid purchase.
  • Age Restriction: This avatar is intended for use by individuals aged 18 and above. Users under the age of 18 are not authorized to utilize this avatar.


  • Permission is granted to utilize the avatar for streaming, recording, photoshoots, and similar purposes, with the condition that appropriate attribution is provided when applicable.
  • Attribution may be fulfilled by linking back to the product page upon request or at your discretion when deemed necessary.
  • Tag your photos with #FLXAvatar on X so I can see them!
  • If you wish to apply to become an official affiliate with me & earn a kick-back for what your viewers buy, please apply here: https://flexuh.gumroad.com/affiliates

Want to report an issue, need assistance with uploading or any other question?
Join my Discord server and open a ticket to get assistance!

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Avatar in easy to use upload scene!

Material Slots:
Skinned Mesh Renderers:
Texture Memory:
81.32 MB
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DLC's for Maci!